About the Course
Beginner Clothing for Adults
Learn the basics of making clothing from commercial patterns in this fun four-part workshop. We know that getting started with sewing clothing can be intimidating. What is actually a good beginner pattern? What is the right fabric and needle type for it? Don't worry! We've got you! We have a specially curated variety of great beginner clothing patterns for you to choose from, as well as pre-washed fabrics. You can do this!
In this 8-hour workshop, students will:
Choose pattern and fabric
Take measurements
Prepare pattern pieces
Make minor fit changes, as needed
Cut and mark fabric
Sew a garment
**Some homework may be necessary to ensure you complete your project in four classes.
Skills learned in “Learn to Sew 101”. (How to operate a sewing machine and sew a simple project.
Know how to lay out a pattern “on grain”. (We teach this skill in Learn to Sew 102 - Zippers Workshop and Learn to Sew 103 -Tote bag.)
If you aren’t sure you have the skills you will need for this, or any of our classes, just ask!
Fabric Scissors/Shears
Sewing Machine: Use ours or bring your own
Pattern, Fabric, and Thread
Sewing Machine: Use ours or bring your own
Measuring Tape
Proper sewing machine needle
Marking Tools